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Carolina Cervantes

Cath Lab

Nominated by a former patient

"I was so fortunate to have as my nurse Carolina Cervantes. While everyone including the other nurses, the CRNA (who made me laugh and feel at ease), were outstanding and treated me well, Carolina stood out. Carolina is an exceptional, caring, empathetic nurse. She welcomed me with a nice smile and kind words, and reminded me I spoke with her the day before so we could put a face to a voice. Carolina listened when my wife and I were talking without interruption (something few of us can do) she explained everything completely to me and she connected with us on a personal level, not just a nurse to patient/family member level. Carolinas warmth and love for what she does shows with every word she peaks and every move she makes."

"Carolina went out of her way to make sure my wife and I were as comfortable as could be even when circumstances changed for me and we had some decisions to make. Carolina gave us space to talk alone and you could see she was feeling with us for what we were going through. Carolina is a shining star and role model for anyone who is or wants to be a nurse. I do not remember ever having a nurse treat me the way Carolina did."